The Lakes

You know when you go away somewhere and come back feeling like you need another break to recover from that one!? Well that's how I feel. We got home early Sunday evening after a couple of nights away in the Lake District; a much needed break and some quality "couple time" after a horrendous year.
We stayed in a Hotel in Kendal, but visited Bowness and Keswick. We also drove through the lovely Ambleside. 

One of the things I love about Mark is that he let's me be "geeky", he'll happily come with me to museums and instead of being "blokey" about it - he joins in and takes an interest in whatever it is. We went to the Museum of Lakeland Life - where we tried Kendal Mint Cake after watching a video play out of Stuart
Peacocks 2010 Everest ascent. We spent Saturday morning at the Beatrix Potter Museum, which surprisingly we both loved - and bought the girls a present from their gift shop. We found Bakwell Tart flavoured Fudge for Osh - he loves Bakewell Tarts.

Mark then got to throw his car round the bends as we made our way up to Keswick, where I was very brave and didn't buy anything in Joules shop - even though we were both walking adverts for the company.

The Hotel had a pool and a Steam room which we made use of on Friday evening, but I am so glad that we didn't spend the whole weekend in the Hotel - we got out and about and even though I am shattered now, it was lovely seeing new places and doing things together...just the two of us.


PS. The Health Visitor came to my Mam's house on Friday morning and Martha Grace weighs 5.29Kg...up from 5.14Kg the week before. As a result this week we have decided to cut out the night feed and see how she get's on. She didn't wake until 7am on Monday morning - but I was still awake at 3am out of habit.

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