When your original dream comes true...

Martha's Big Girl bed was delivered yesterday lunch time and Mark and my Dad put it together for her last night. It's not exactly the same as Isabella's but it's close enough and let's face it - I'm not expecting a Home Interiors magazine to call over for a shoot any time soon. I bought the girls their matching bedding from George last week, Hearts and Flowers pattern.

When their beds were made we shouted down for the girls to come see their new matching beds. Isabella thought the new bed was for her, but was fine once she realised that both her and Martha had new bedding. Martha wasn't too fussed if I'm honest and wouldn't lie down to show my parents how she'd be sleeping at bedtime. When we said it was time to go downstairs for supper she was happy enough to get out of the bed.

We noticed that Martha's bed is a little higher off the ground than Isabella's, but we bought her a bed guard and her bed is against the wall on one side so she shouldn't be able to fall out. We bought her a 13.5 tog duvet which right now I think might be too hot for her, but I know that once it starts getting colder when we reach the middle of winter - she'll need a nice big duvet like that.

The girls had their supper, got dressed, brushed their teeth and we read "We're going on a Bear Hunt" then it was time for light's out. Martha was so giggly and I knew that she was made up to be in a big girl bed. Me and Mark just stood at their doorway looking at them both snuggled in their beds, we stood there for a good few minutes watching them.
Their was radio silence coming from their Baby Monitor (which we use for Martha) and after about 10 minutes I had to go to check that Martha was OK...something I instantly regretted because she was wide awake, and then they both kept asking for hugs and kisses and wouldn't let me leave their room.

At around 10:30pm it finally hit me what was happening - our dream was finally coming true!

At the beginning of our 20 week scan (before we found out Martha had a Heart Defect) we we're over the moon when we found out we were having another little girl. We didn't imagine a Baby, but a little sister for Isabella. We'd only just bought our house and we happily chatted about how we would decorate their bedroom. We didn't imagine a cot. We imagined two single beds with matching duvet covers with too little girls fast asleep.

There were days when I didn't think I'd ever get to put Martha to bed in her own room. I'd even held off buying Martha a new bed until she was home from having this operation, I was too scared that she would hardly get to sleep in it and I was worried that it would upset Isabella too much with Martha gone.

Last night, our original dream came true. Something I know most parents would probably take for granted - and it was absolutely worth the wait!


Linking to The Ordinary Moments by Mummy Daddy Me...

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