Siblings || February 2018

I feel like these navy coats appear in more photos with my kids than I actually do. They have different outfits under their coats each month, but we always take our Siblings picture outside. Living in sunny Wales means that once September is over, we need our big coats.

I take my birthday week off each year. It stems from being a February child, my birthday was always around the half-term holidays. Now I'm an actual grown up, I still like my week off in February. It's also our anniversary this week too.

It was half term last week in Wales, the kids spent the majority of the week with my grandparents while we worked and my annual leave began on the Friday. I like to make sure we have a day-out with my Grandparents each school holiday. We love them and love spending time with them.

First, we went for lunch to a Garden Centre in Glan Conwy, then we took the girls to play in a park in Llandudno while Osh went with my Taid to walk their dog, Ollie. We finished our afternoon with a Panad and Cake in a Cafe.

Before I let the kids run off in opposite directions at the park I asked them all to pose for just one photo for me. No bribes needed this week, they all decided they wanted to sit on the wall and that Martha would sit in the middle with Osh and Isabella sat either side of her. No tears or tantrums. These are the only two photo's I took.

They were pretty good all day to be fair, at lunchtime they didn't mess about like they sometimes would. They stayed in their seats and ate all their food. No one wanted to go to the toilets every two minutes. Maybe I should take my grandparents along on our days out more often.

Hopefully next month, my Siblings photo will see the kids wearing an actual outfit - rather than their navy coats again.


The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful

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