Siblings || February 2019

February is my second favourite month of the year (December is obviously my most favourite) because it's the month of our wedding anniversary, my birthday, half term and most years it's the month that Pancake day falls in (not this year though, it's not until 5th March) 

We're getting back in the rhythm of life after a strange start to the year. We met up with family for lunch to celebrate my Mam turning 50 at the beginning of the month, it seemed like my best chance of the month to get my "Siblings" photo for this month, rather than risk another photo on the sofa.

Like I didn't need reminding that I'm getting older, now I have a son who's old enough to have started a band with his mates at school. He's been having drum lessons since he was in primary school, this is the longest he's stuck something out. Their music teacher lets them use his classroom to practise a couple of times a week. Next stop...Glastonbury!

My biggest girl started February off with a bang. She fell at school and chipped her front tooth, which was an adult tooth. A week later she had the tooth rebuilt with white filling, but it will never be as strong as a natural tooth so now she can't bite into her foods. The hope now is that the nerve hasn't died and the root will continue to grow

My littlest doesn't shut up from the moment she wakes up until she goes to sleep. If I take Osh or Isabella on their own somewhere, it amazes me to remember how easy having one child is. But when I take Martha on her own somewhere it's just as exhausting as having the three of them running riot. But she is still the sweetest and the one most likely to give me cuddles, so I have to take the rough with the smooth.

1 comment

  1. Funnily February is one of my least favourite months - though I guess there's plenty to love when you think about it!
