Martha Grace turns Two

On Saturday 22nd August, 2015 - Martha Grace turned Two!!!! 

That I can even say that is nothing short of a miracle and we continue to be grateful every day for the time we've had with Martha Grace.

We decided we would buy her a Silver Cross doll's pram and a Baby Born dolly for her Birthday; we only have Isabella's pram for them to play with and to be honest it has seen better days - so now we have a nice new one. Though they've been fighting over it - so we might need to get Isabella a new one for her Birthday in October too.

I spent Friday baking while my Mother did a bit a lot of cleaning and tidying around the house for us as we were having a little tea party in the house for her on Saturday for our families and a few friends. I thought Martha would get overwhelmed with a house full of guests and going without her usual afternoon nap but to be fair to her she did really well (she did fall asleep in my arms about half five though) 

I thought I'd share a few photo's but haven't wanted to share too many as I don't think our families would appreciate their pictures being posted on the internet, so these are the few that I like and that I want to be able to look back on over the coming weeks/months.

I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone to commented on my personal Facebook account/ the Heart Mammi Facebook page and Twitter and Instagram to wish her a Happy Birthday. We hope and we pray that we'll be celebrating another Birthday with her in 2016.


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