Siblings || March 2019

It feels like March has dragged, I thought January was long but how is it only the 18th March? Surely it should be the 28th by now.

It's been a quiet month with nothing really happening. The kids started back at school after half term on Monday 4th March and we quickly settled back into our term-time routine. With no "days out" I've struggled to get my Siblings photo was taken, which is why it's another one from the house. Which I don't mind, we might not live here forever and it will be fun for the kids to laugh at their Mam's taste in home decor when they're older - the way I look at my Mam's sofa's, carpet and wallpaper choice when I was a little girl.

Missed out on my little Goddaughter's Christening because she was ill. It was the strangest thing, being out at a family gathering and one of us was missing. Although we often go out places on the weekends with he's with his Dad, it still doesn't make it any easier when there's someone missing from the photo. Today we've been to the orthodontist and he's had the fixed braces attached to his bottom teeth finally after months of wearing blocks to correct his bite. Usually, I'd stop off at McDonald's and I'd treat him to McDonald's breakfast but we had a later appointment today - so we just had a panad instead. It's something my Grandmother would do with me and my cousin when she'd take us for our appointments, she was never in a rush to get us back to school so she'd treat us to a Morrisons cooked breakfast. Hopefully, this will be something Osh will remember when he has his own children.

I'm pleased to report that Isabella had a quiet month in March, no injuries to report here. She did, however, catch a bug at the end of February that was doing the rounds (everyone caught it apart from me) For the first time this year, our school took part in World Book Day so Isabella decided she would dress up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, seeing as Father Christmas bought her the costume for Christmas.

I'd taken Isabella to get new shoes after having her front tooth fixed, afterwards, Martha kept saying how much she loved them and wished she had a pair of her own. So Daddy took her out on a little shopping trip on her own and she picked up a pair of Pink pumps which she loves. We do try to take the three of them out on our own sometimes, just to give them one on one time with us. Being one of three if tough and trying to be heard over the noise of the other two is difficult. Martha dressed up as Cinderella, her favourite Disney Princess for World Book Day.

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