Siblings || April 2017

I don't know about everyone else but I am totally ready for summer. The weather has changed daily recently and any nice weather we've had has got me so excited for the summer months ahead. 

One of the main perks of living on Anglesey is that we're less than 20 minutes away from the beautiful Newborough beach. Now that I'm working 5 days out of 7, I don't like to waste an opportunity to take the kids out. As soon as the kids came home from school last Tuesday we packed out flask with tea and biscuits and headed to the beach for a walk (read: Mammi wanted to make sure she got her Siblings photo done so she dragged everyone out and bribed them with tea and biscuits) 

March saw us make it through another surgical procedure for Martha Grace. We were away from home for 4 days, with Martha being discharged the morning after her new pacemaker generator was put in.

Although Osh took it all in his stride, Isabella really took it hard this time and struggled to adjust when we came home. Maybe it's out fault that we put the focus on Martha for physically having to undergo the procedures, that we forget how traumatic it can be for the other two. How much they worry for their little sister, knowing she's having operations but not really understanding what is actually going on and why we have to leave home for (sometimes) weeks at a time.

As I write this, it's almost midnight on Saturday. Sunday is Easter and it's my last day in work for a couple of days. We are taking the kids away for a little City Break on Monday and I can't wait. We've decided this year we are going to focus our spending on the House and forgo our annual trip to Center Parcs, opting instead for the odd night away here and there.

Thank you all for your continued support and lovely messages for Martha Grace. It means so much to know there are others out there praying for her.


The Me and Mine Project

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