2018 - self care

I started this post last week, I was stuck in a rut. It was originally titled "January Blues"

There's so much of a build up for Christmas; for weeks beforehand it's all I can think about and I can't think beyond that day. I love everything about Christmas, more so since we spent one in Hospital with Martha Grace. I need to make up for the one that we missed and I need to make sure that this Christmas is great in case we aren't all together next year.

Last week we were in the weird stage which is after the New Year before the kids start back at school. I had been feeling a little out of sorts and couldn't seem to lift my mood.

I had hoped that once the kids we're back at school that we'd fall back in to routine and I'd start to feel happier and more in control with a structure. So far it seems to be the case.

I'm not really one for making New Year's Resolutions, but I am giving myself little goals that I want to achieve during 2018 (and continue beyond that)

Starting each day better
I struggle to get out of bed each morning, I stay in bed as late as I can then I'm in a mad rush to get ready to take the kids to school (we're never late, I'm always parked up by 8:40am) The only day's I don't struggle to get up is if I'm working an early shift (I know, I can't make sense of it either) I'm going to try and get up at a set time each day and give myself enough time to get ready at my own pace - no rushing. Hopefully, this will set me up properly for the day; calmer and not frazzled.

Cleaning and meal-prep routine
I'm never going to be a domestic goddess, I've used a meal planner for the past 6 years and it does help me plan my shopping lists making sure we always have dinner organised every day. But our meals are getting a bit same-ey, I want to add more meals to my repertoire and get the kids trying some new foods. I want to find more meals that I can prepare in advance and make things easier on the day's I've been working or for Mark on the nights when I'm at work and he's solo parenting.  On the same note, our house isn't a dirty house (a little untidy maybe, but not dirty) I just don't have set days for getting things done and sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming when I have a mental list of everything that I need to do and I end up doing nothing...today has been the perfect example of this.

Blog & Photography
I didn't blog half as much as I should have last year and I think my mental health really suffered because of it. I'm going to make more of an effort this year, to keep up with Martha's journey and help me make sense of what's going on inside my head. I was a bit lazy with my big camera in 2017 as well. I keep saying that I want to upgrade my camera and buy the expensive lenses, but I can't justify the investment if I'm not going to take it out with us. The Siblings photography project is one I hope to take part in again this year.

Self Care
When you're parenting a child with additional needs, you don't always consider your own needs. But one thing I've learnt from my lack of blogging in 2017 is that if I don't take the time to write type out my thoughts/worries/fears they take control of my mind. If I don't take care of myself I won't be any good to take care of my family when they need me. So this year will be time for making the most of my annual leave, to read more books, to enjoy more candle-lit baths and spend time with my friends and family.

Being together
That's my most important goal of the year. I need to stop worrying about saving my annual leave for possible Hospital admissions with Martha Grace and use them for family days out and possible family holidays. My London emergency fund is there to cover any possible absences from work, annual leave is for our wellbeing and that of our families.

So if you can bare to put up with me, I'll be posting more on my little corner of the internet.

2018 - please be kind to us.


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