Siblings || October 2016

I'm typing this post some time after midnight on Friday 14th October 2016, I'm in the living room with Mark having a panad after coming home from work.

On Wednesday 14th October 2015, I was writing my Siblings post in the darkness of our room in Weston House as Martha Grace was first on the theatre list for Thursday 15th October.

Regular readers of the blog will already know that we've recently had the date for Martha's next lot of surgery. Today we received another phone call to change the date to a couple of weeks later in the month.

I'm anxious that this puts us another two weeks behind schedule in terms of her recovery, but I know that it just wasn't meant to be and there's a reason why this new date has been given for Martha.

We were organised and planned Isabella's birthday party for early October in case we ended up being away on her Birthday like we were last year. The kids were all dressed in lovely outfits which would have been the perfect opportunity to take my photo for this month's Siblings post. Of course, I totally forgot and had to make do with my grandparents living room on Monday.

There not frame-worthy, but that doesn't matter. This was life in October 2016. They finished school, came home to my grandparents to get changed out of their school uniforms and had tea and biscuits with them. These are the things I want to remember in years to come.

Martha Grace is quickly becoming the joker of our gang and has started pulling funny faces when I bring my big camera out, I think she knows how seriously I take photo time and loves winding me up. Again, not a perfect photo - but these are the little things I'll want to remember when she's all grown up.

Isabella takes after her Daddy, she rarely takes a bad photo. Osh and Martha are pretending to sleep but Isabella gives me the sweetest and most beautiful smile.

Martha was beginning to lose patience with me at this point, there is no way you can get her to do something once she's decided she's had enough.

The joker of our gang trying to make everyone laugh again. But by this point even Osh was fed up with has his photo taken.

The change in Surgery date has given us a couple more weeks of family time before all chaos descends, starting with a trip to Blackpool for the day on Sunday - the kids have never been.

Thank you all for your continued support.


The Me and Mine Project

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